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Current Jobs In Progress!

 Mazzone Job

 Hi Jeanette and Sal!!
This is yet another beautiful retired couple to work for in Citrus Hills! Already, we just love these guys! Sal was in the Grocery Business in Manhattan, and Jeanette worked the famous Danbury Mint!
Now let's all go there and buy some stuff so we can secure Jeanette's pension so they can paver the driveway soon!
You can buy stuff online here, and there really is a bunch of very cool, quality stuff.

Check it out! Danbury Mint. CLICK HERE to check it out!

Moving forward, Sal is just one of those guys that has a big smile for you every time you see him, and Jeanette too for that matter! 
Sal is always a "HOOT", but it's clear that Jeanette is the one that keeps everything in order for the Mazzone Household!

Sal is also a Veteran of the Korean War, but if you ever saw the guy, you probably guess WW1!!

Just joking Sal, you handsome old dude!
Sal was in the Navy, has a beautiful swimming pool, {as you will see}, and he can't SWIM!!!!!! 
Too funny Sal!

That said, {and this was Sal's Idea as I understand it}, their cat, Nicole, doesn't have a water bowl. No, No!
This cat has it's own formal placemat on the floor, no doubt with some gourmet cat food, and it drinks from a WINE GLASS!!!!!!!!!!!
Folks! I'm not making this up! I'll take some pictures to prove it.

That's our Sal! Seriously, what a great guy. Just fun to be around!
I've never seen Jim Boyle, Gordon Converse, and Sal together at one time, but I imagine these guys could give Comedy Central a run for their money!

Let's get along with some pictures now, and some more commentary as we go along!

Before, during and after Pictures

Ok! let me explain what going to happen here. This is going to be totally awesome! There is an area about 10 feet wide by 40 feet long that was screened in totally separate from the Pool deck and lanai! It was basically a weed patch, and really a pain to maintain! There were two screen doors going to it. We decided we would remove the doors, take out those lower cross members in the pool cage and move them up top. By doing this, we will open that entire area up, and make it part of the overall pool deck and lanai! We're going to dig out all the weeds, put in a 6 inch base foundation, compact it, and then tie this all together by using THICK pavers and the THIN pavers coming off the pool lanai. Basically, the same thing we did on the Altcheck/Kerchner Butterfly Cage in Pine Ridge!
This is a much bigger area though! 
It's going to be somewhat spectacular if I do say so myself!


How We Got There Pictures

As promised here is the picture of Nicole the cat's food setting.
It drinks from the wine glass! I'm a little surprised there isn't a fork, knife and a napkin there for this SPOILED CAT!!

OK, we got the weed cage all dug out and brought in about 6 tons of screened base. We compacted it, hooked up to gutters, the deco drain, and ran them all under the base and out into the side yard using a pop up drain.

Below you can see how we brought the grade up to level with the cement pool deck to create a seamless transition from the thin pavers on the pool deck to the thick pavers on the base. When this is done, the pool deck and floor in the cage will all be one huge area!!! Super SHARP, and 100% all USABLE screened in space! Plus, all the rain water from the pool deck and two down spouts are buried under ground, and about 15 feet away from the house. Kind of an added bonus because we didn't want the downspouts draining onto our paver floor.

After Pictures-Coming soon!

That's Sal in the picture here. He might look like he's checking something out, but I guarantee you, he's just figuring what kind of trouble he's going to instigate NEXT!

As great as these pictures look, they really don't do justice to the unbelievable change we made on this pool deck. The weed patch looks like it was always a part of the lanai, and it's all opened up over there from top to bottom!

We got Jennette 3 hanging plants and "L" shaped hangers. We mounted the hangers on the three post you see there. Super sharp looking!!!!
Sal was,....well,.... SAL all the way to the end!
Sort of the Senior version of Conrad Dobler! You all remember him right?
The Miller Lite commercials. "Less filling,....tastes great!"
Always INSTIGATING something! That's Sal! What a hoot!
Jennette, hang in there! We know it's not easy!

We had a blast working for Jennette and Sal as you can probably tell!
Thanks a lot for allowing us to work for you all, and we will see in September or so for the Driveway!
Thanks guys!!!!... and SAL,......try to behave yourself!!!!!
Yea right! Like that will ever happen!

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